Investor Conference - Accelerating the European district heating (DH) rollout – Unlocking the potential of financial markets

On May 14th, an investor workshop titled "Investor-Conference Brussels: Accelerating the European District Heating (DH) Rollout – Unlocking the Potential of Financial Markets" was held in Brussels. The purpose of this workshop was to present and discuss the opportunities and strategies for leveraging financial markets to accelerate the deployment of district heating systems across Europe.


14:00 Mr. Daniel Møller Sneum (Energy Modelling Lab), Introduction to the workshop (5 min)

14:05 Mr. Madis Laaniste (European Commission), Decarbonisation of district heating: regulation, supportive policy and financial frameworks by EU (15 min)

14:20 Prof. Dr. Tobias Popovic (Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences), Driving investments in DHC: Lessons learnt from the REWARDHeat project (20 min)

14:40 Ms. Helene Vinten (KommuneKredit), KommuneKredit: a special credit institution financing DH in Denmark (20 min)

15:00 Dr. Sebastian Glock (VC Trade), Investment and trading platforms for transition finance with focus on district heating and cooling networks (20min)

15:20 Mr. Peter Dahl (Pohlem), Investments in sustainable DHC: Swedish pension fund perspective (20 min)

15:40 Coffee Break

16:00 Mr. Tim Ockenga (GDV), Insurance companies as important investors for the European heat transition (20 min)

16:20 Prof. Kristina Lygnerud (IVL, Lund University), Update on the relevance of the EU-Taxonomy for investments in district heating and cooling networks (15 min)

16:35 Mr. Chris Garside (Resourceful Futures), Accelerating sustainable DHC investments: Policy Recommendations (20 min)

16:55 All participants, Interactive policy recommendations roundtable (30 min)

17:25 Mr. Daniel Møller Sneum (Energy Modelling Lab), Closing remarks (5 min)

17:30 End of the workshop

Recordings of the event are available here.

The presentation used can be found here.